
Artist: Jim Janknegt

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In the beauty of holiness...

Let me begin this post giving due credit and praise to the artist behind the painting that adorns this blog and our wall at home. The icon of the Visitation was painted by Jim Janknegt, a dear friend of our family's, and commissioned along with the icons of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart for our wedding. Each day I am inspired by the message that Jim brilliantly articulated when painting these images, and each day I am awed by their beauty and presence in my home.  See more of Jim's amazing work at Brilliant Corners Artfarm.

Which brings me to something I've been stewing on for a few weeks now. I have been attending a scripture based mother's group in the area since the fall. It has been an enriching part of my life for the past few months, and I was sad today when we had our final session until the fall. But a few weeks ago the topic for that particular session was about forming a "Deuteronomy 6 lifestyle" and a "Christian" home. The speakers point was that our entire lives should radiate the love of God. She was focused on how this applies to our interpersonal familial relationships. We are to "drill into" our children the Lord's goodness to us and what He asks of us in return.

I don't know, maybe it's the visual learner in me, or the Catholic who is drawn to the richness of the beauty of the Church, not to mention the physical presence in the Eucharist, but I believe that a "Christian" home is made up of a lot more than just the words, emotions and interactions of the interpersonal relationships. I was struck by how she did not once mention anything about the actual home. I think the way we approach our physical beings and possessions, our surroundings and appearance teaches a lot about God's love for us as persons and how we should reflect that love to others.

What?! Slow down. Am I implying that a tidy home filled with pretty things and well-kept people but that is devoid of all affection, communication, and deep relationship is the way to bring up a family. Surely you know I do not. But I do believe that having a home decorated at least a little with things of beauty, like artwork, music, flowers, or simply dusted shelves (which I can never seem to get done!), is enriching to any one's soul and can be a launching pad for educational moments.

I think back to Valentines Day when my husband picked out a special little Gerber daisy for our daughter. She paraded down the busy town street with that flower and thought it was the greatest thing ever. She helped us put it in a vase on the homeshrine. For the next week every time she saw that flower she said, "Tata gave K a flower!" with a great big grin on her face. That was a moment where something beautiful, yet so simple, taught the little girl about a father's love, and hopefully laid the foundation for her further learning of the Father's love.

I do know that without love, all of that is mute. So we keep loving, and hope they're learning to love, too. And as for the beauty, we expose them to it where we can. And I am so grateful we have such a beautiful piece to share with our family, and with you!

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