
Artist: Jim Janknegt

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cute things they say

Those who've read the first few posts on this blog know that we're doing our best to not only raise competent human persons, but also to raise faithful followers of Christ. So, when our little humans say or do things that make us feel we're on the right track, we like to boast (a little). Or at least I do. Can't speak for my other half here. But, bear with me as I retell a conversation John and Kate (3) had on the way to, during, and after church this week.

I grab the cans of tuna from the homeshrine we've been meaning to bring to the food pantry for the last two weeks on my way out the door on Sunday morning. Kate sees me put them in the car.

K: "Are we bringing those for the hungry people?"
"Yes we are!"

John's started the wonderful tradition of saying a decade of the rosary on the way to church every week. It's been awesome. But before we begin he asks the kids who or what they want to pray for.

K: "The hungry people!"

So we go through the rosary and make it to Mass (early for once!). Throughout Mass, John and Kate are talking a little bit here and there. During the presentation of the gifts John asks

"What did they just put on the table?"
K: "That's not a table that's an altar!"

"What does all the purple mean?"
K: "It's still Lent!"
"And what happens after Lent?"
K: "It's Easter!"
"What does that mean?"
K: "I get candy!"

Well, it's a start at least. Especially when the rest of the conversation plays out.

"Maybe we should bring some candy for the food pantry so those who are hungry can have some."
K: "But we already brought the hungry people food!"

Like I said, it's a start. And yes, she does say almost everything emphatically enough to warrant an exclamation point at the end of every statement. Emphatically with a touch of excitement and wonder.

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